Saturday 7 January 2012

DITA Blog Post 2

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Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and public libraries.


The technologies that underpin Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 are not new, but their potential has only recently been exploited due to the decreasing cost of devices and technologies and the ease of accessing the internet. As is typical for any technology, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 are both empowered and limited by their users. Public libraries have a long process ahead of them in terms of efficiently exploiting these proven technologies by successfully and economically fitting them into the existing library structure in order to enhance services and performance. 

Practical application of Web 2.0 technologies in public libraries.

Web 2.0 with its inherent flexibility and numerous applications has enabled public libraries to widen the range and nature of services that they provide to their customers. By adopting Web 2.0 tools, libraries endeavour to customise and personalise their services to render them user-friendly (Evans, 2009, p.14). However, public libraries fall behind their academic counterparts in adopting and utilising the powerful Web 2.0 technologies. While academic libraries, driven by their innate aspiration to explore and experiment, widely exploit Web 2.0 platforms to facilitate the learning and communication process, public libraries are less willing to launch themselves into the virtual social environment. The benefits of being present in resources like Wikipedia or Facebook are unquestionable: there is an obvious promotional value for libraries since these are users’ social spaces of choice. As state-funded institutions, public libraries tend to be more prudent in allowing users to contribute to their content or to jeopardise copyrighted material, which would make public libraries vulnerable to legal liability. The Web 2.0 phenomenon is perceived as transitional and unimportant by some commentators, not worth staff’s time and effort to engage with it. But as Kelly shrewdly noted “there may be risks in doing nothing or in continuing to use current technologies. This might include losing one’s competitive edge, lost opportunity costs, loss of one’s user community to services that are willing to take risks” (Kelly, 2010, p.109). Hence the necessity emerges for public libraries to find a fine balance between being overcautious and taking a reasonable, calculated risk in order to remain a viable part of the social realm.

While some Web 2.0 tools are widely accepted and used by library professionals: RFID technology, for example, has truly modernised public libraries’ service system through the introduction of self-service machines; others, such as QR code leaflets used to promote libraries’ services, could be criticised as a waste of money (very few library users know what they are and how to use them) or an attempt to mimic marketing strategies in the retail industry. The main impetus for adopting Web 2.0 technologies is to complement and keep existing library technologies up to date, rather than supplant them. Libraries face the necessity of describing and using the growing electronic content with which the existing MARC standard was not really designed to cope (Brophy, 2007, p.188). Web services might also be utilised to complement the libraries’ specialised applications. The ability of XML to describe any type of information in order to satisfy users’ fast-changing needs makes its use in the library environment essential. By using XML applications effectively libraries may enhance the functionality and performance of their Integrated Library Systems without investing additional funds into upgrading their systems (Tennant, 2002, p.2). The use of XML does not require in-depth knowledge of technologies to be able to generate and manage structured data in human- readable text files (Banerjee, 2002, p.32). This may help libraries tackle an issue associated with the nature of modern information technologies: they become outdated or obsolete in a matter of months. 
One of the applications that has enabled public libraries to freely use web sources to generate up-to-date dynamic content is mashup, which as defined by Engard is “a web application that uses content from more than one source to create a single new service displayed in a single graphical interface” (Engard, (2009, p.xv). This could be anything from simple mapping of libraries’ locations to a more sophisticated mashup which would assist users with the fast retrieval of required information by filtering the content of remote resources based on specific parameters (Fitcher, 2009, p.11). Library websites have dramatically changed with the implementation of this technology; their content, which previously used highly specialised terminology, was rendered more intuitive and media versatile, making it easier to understand and navigate. However, it is to be born in mind that given the nature of free web services their content may change or disappear overnight without notice, leaving it to librarians to monitor and control the quality and appropriateness of libraries’ websites (Herzog B, 2009, p.70). Libraries could go one step further in adopting this highly productive technology by making their content mashable, but there are several issues associated with it; some issues are objective, such as the proprietary status of some materials, while others relate to librarians’ fear of becoming redundant in a new information age.

Web 3.0: unrealistic future or future reality?

The Semantic Web is an attempt to better organise the exponentially growing web content with which current technologies are unable to cope efficiently. The idea of the Semantic Web as “not a separate web but an extension of the current one” (Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila, 2001) lies in the ambition to bestow meaning on all the data on the web by describing it using Resource Description Framework (RDF), which is a highly-structured, pre-defined format that enables machines to read and understand information about the content of data and create relations between them with RDF Schema. This standardised description of electronic resources enables the next stage of web development, whereby the use of ontologies – conceptualisations of meaning – would enable software applications to infer new knowledge based on that description of the content. The sheer scale of work required to render the web agents “intelligent” as well as the unanimous agreement of participants required to accept and comply with the standards raise questions about its feasibility and potential success. Since the web, despite the altruistic effort of Tim Berners-Lee and his supporters, is still largely perceived by its main driving forces as a profit-generating tool with millions of potential customers worldwide, no compelling argument has yet been made for the commercial value of the Semantic Web to entirely persuade them. Many commentators also express doubt about its usability, pointing out that the field of practical application of the Semantic Web, even without explicit commercial interest, is still limited and requires further research. 

Despite many sceptical views, there are some areas where the Semantic Web may have a great impact on solving current issues and allow for future developments to take place. Libraries may benefit from the phenomenon of the Semantic Web both by actively using it and employing their expertise to contribute to its content. For example, the Semantic Web could provide an opportunity for public libraries to affirm and enhance their value at present. This could be done at several levels: firstly, the undeniable importance of public libraries as institutions makes their social impact on public life worth studying. Libraries’ hitherto scattered performance data, both quantitative and qualitative, which at the moment is available in different formats, could be rendered meaningful and coherent by describing it in RDF triples and creating ontologies, thus making it accessible to broader social, medical, educational and other applications through the Semantic Web. Secondly, librarians face the challenge of coping with ever-increasing amounts of information and they are still expected to find answers to customers’ queries promptly and effectively. Many libraries use federated or so-called platform searches in which multiple information sources are simultaneously searched in order to retrieve and compile the required information. However, the efficiency of the federated search would be optimised and rendered less ambiguous if the electronic source providers presented their data in RDF format and applied a standard to the vocabulary which is used (Byrne and Goddard, 2010). Thirdly, the attempt to make libraries’ bibliographic data a part of the Semantic Web, though not entirely successful at the moment, is still appealing and could be explored further (Yee, 2009), since the main goal would be improved technology performance rather than superseding the intellectual work of library professionals. If adequately adapted and developed, RDF format could solve the problem of the excessive complexity of bibliographic data which may hinder its interoperability.

The open movement, which comprises open access publishing, open source software and open data, has the potential to revolutionise the existing perception of the web. Currently, the web is as it was designed by people with a pre-web frame of mind and was expected to function according to the rules of the real world. However, as an evolving new reality it generated its own set of rules and proved intractable to the “real world rules” that its creators tried to impose upon it. Many commentators claim that the web is a world which should be allowed to live by its own rules, where the proprietary rights on published materials or on software would be considered to contradict the essence of what some believe to be the philosophy of the web: a free global information space, hence the open movement’s aim to boost the value of the web by eliminating the restrictions posed by proprietary interests. It is noteworthy that the term “free” in the virtual context is often associated with something unreliable, volatile and hard to control, therefore public libraries may be wary of making greater use of open source software as it is now.   

One of the initiatives of the open movement is open access publishing defined by Esposito (2004) as “accessible with only a browser and free to the user”, even though at the moment it concerns mainly research papers which are believed to be capable of making a valuable impact if they were available to the wider public free of charge. Even though public libraries represent a smaller share of the subscriptions to electronic publications than academic libraries which have an obligation to subscribe to them in order to encourage institutions’ research, they are traditionally expected to bear all costs associated with access to the materials, providing them free of charge to their users without obvious self-interest. If open access publishing is taken one step further to encompass other types of non-academic works, it could help public libraries to ease the strain on their constantly diminishing budgets. Until recently public libraries even bore all costs for the interlibrary loan service, charging users only a minimal fee for processing reservation requests. If these unavailable and therefore costly to obtain items are provided in electronic form with free access, libraries would still fulfil their mission but at a lesser cost to themselves. However, such a scenario would necessitate a paradigm shift in our conception of intellectual property and the copyright legislation that protects it, and it would also deliver the coup de grâce to the publishing industry which could have a far-reaching negative impact on society insofar as the publishing industry implicitly advocates literature and therefore literacy. 


Public libraries have to fight many battles at present. They still need to realise that technology is a culture, instead of burying their heads in the sand or reluctantly bearing with it. Their cautious approach to adopting and integrating technologies, although often criticised for its slowness, can only be justified by their qualms about investing substantial amounts of money in technologies which could become obsolete by the time they are fully up and running. Public libraries are also understandably anxious about safeguarding their future existence if they embrace technologies which could ultimately usurp their traditional functions. The current challenge for libraries is to work out how to transform a crisis into an opportunity by carving out a way in which they can fruitfully co-exist with technology, rather than lying down, playing dead and waiting for it to pass.      

1)      Banerjee, K. (2002) ‘Improving Interlibrary Loan with XML’ in Tennant, R. (ed.) XML in Libraries. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
2)      Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J. and Lassila, O. (2001) The Semantic Web.  Available at (Accessed: 23 November 2011).
3)      Brophy, P. (ed.) (2007) The library in the twenty-first century. 2nd edn. London: Facet.
4)      Byrne, G. and Goddard, L. (2010) ‘The Strongest Link: Libraries and Linked Data’, D-Lib Magazine, 16 (11/12). Memorial University Libraries, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. Available at: (Accessed: 24 November 2011).
5)      Engard, N.C. (ed.) (2009) Library Mashups. London: Facet.
6)      Esposito, J.J. (2004) ‘The Devil you don't know: the unexpected future of Open Access publishing’, First Monday, 9(8). Available at: (Accessed: 3 January 2011).
7)      Evans, W. (2009) Building Library 3.0. Issues in creating a culture of participation. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.
8)      Fitcher, D. (2009) ‘What Is a Mashup?’ in Engard, N.C. (ed.) Library Mashups. London: Facet.
9)      Herzog, B. (2009) ‘Information in context’ in Engard, N.C. (ed.) Library Mashups. London: Facet.
10)   Kelly, B. (2010) ‘A deployment strategy for maximising the impact of institutional use of Web 2.0’ in Parkes, D. and Walton, G. (eds.) Web 2.0 and Libraries: Impacts, technologies and trends. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.
11)   Tennant, R. (ed.) (2010) XML in Libraries. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
12)   Yee, M.M. (2009) ‘Can Bibliographic Data be Put Directly onto the Semantic Web?’, Information Technology & Libraries, 28 (2), pp. 55-80, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text, EBSCOhost. (Accessed: 14 December 2011).